Best Wayne Dyer Books that Will Inspire and Motivate You

Dr. Wayne Dyer is a renowned self-help author, motivational speaker, and guru in the fields of self-development and spiritual growth. He has written more than 40 books. Of which, 21 of them are bestsellers. He died of a heart attack in Maui at the age of 75.

Wayne Dyer’s writing career consists of two main parts:

Having a doctorate in counseling psychology, his earliest works are based on the psychology of self-improvement and positive thinking. His books such as Your Erroneous Zones, Pulling Your Own Strings, and The Sky’s the Limit, help to motivate you to reach your potential and not be a victim.

After he experienced a spiritual shift in his life, his books focus on spirituality and new age philosophy. His books, Real Magic, Your Sacred Self, and Manifest Your Destiny, help you to be aware of your highest self and transcend your ego identity.

In his lifetime, he has also written a few children’s books such as I Am, Incredible You, and No Excuses! But they are not considered for this list.

Scroll down and see which of his books resonate with you the most.

Top 10 Best Wayne Dyer Book

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1. The Shift

“The greatest hunger of all is the hunger for meaning.”

This is the first book I read from Wayne Dyer. During my recovery from depression, I had some insights on spirituality but I didn’t know exactly what it is and how to explain it. This book speaks to me on a deep level and helps me learn a lot about my experience. It also got me started reading other spiritual books.

If you are someone who is always working hard or doing a lot, but somehow still feel unfulfilled in life, this is the book to read. It takes you on a journey from ambition to meaning and let you realize that your spirit yearns for meaning, not ambition.

The book is also made into an inspiration movie of the same name and released by Hay House. Wayne Dyer acted in the movie as himself.

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2. Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life

“Sharpen a blade too much and its edge will soon be lost.”

This book is Wayne Dyer’s interpretation of Lao Tze’s Tao Te Ching. He spent one whole year reading and practicing the verses of the Tao. It consists of 81 chapters and is meant to be read slowly.

You don’t have to be a Taoist to receive wisdom from this book. Tao Te Ching is just a way of life and Wayne Dyer makes it easy for you to apply Lao Tze’s teaching to your daily life. At the end of each chapter, he provides action steps which you can take to make your life peaceful, inspired and harmonious.

If you want to have a book that you can refer to from time to time and remind you to be at peace, this is the book for you.

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3. Being in Balance

“There’s no such thing as stress; there are only people thinking stressful thoughts.”

Wayne Dyer says that everything in the universe is in balance, except we humans. He points out that there is a very subtle imbalance between our dream (our reason for life) and our habits (our way of life). For example, our desire to enjoy life is often hindered by our stressful thoughts of needing to achieve more.

This book is not about adopting new strategies to change your behavior. It’s about aligning your thinking habits with your deepest desires and restoring the natural equilibrium in your lives.

In this book, Wayne Dyer covers nine imbalances that will help you be more aware of these unhealthy habits. This book is suitable for those who feel dissatisfied with their life but doesn’t understand why.

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4. The Power of Intention

“You feel good not because the world is right, but your world is right because you feel good.”

As the book title suggests, this book is about intention. This intention isn’t your intention to do something; it’s the intention of the universe.

Wayne Dyer believes that there is an invisible force and energy field that is bigger than ourselves. When we surrender to this built-in intention in the universe and trust its power, we co-create the lives we desire.

This book speaks to the heart. It allows you to feel connected to the universe and its 7 faces — creativity, kindness, love, beauty, expansiveness, abundance and receptivity. Not only will this book inspires you, it also provides a step-by-step guide to help you apply these principles into your daily life.

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5. 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace

“Have a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing.”

This is a book about success but in the perspective of spirituality. It’s not about goal setting, financial planning, or choosing the right career. It’s about having inner peace which is what that truly defines success for him.

In this book, Wayne Dyer elaborates on 10 principles that will guide you to tranquility. Unlike other books from him, this book is a quick read and doesn’t have many personal stories. So it is suitable for anyone who is new to Wayne Dyer’s works or spirituality. It’s also good for someone who wants a quick recap of his teachings.

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6. Wishes Fulfilled

“The greatest gift that you were ever given was the gift of your imagination.”

This book is about mastering the art of manifesting and getting what you really really want.

The first part of this book gets you to change your concept of yourself and recognize something extraordinary within yourself. As per Wayne Dyer, your highest self is where you realize you are connected to the Divine. When you realize this, you can be anything and do anything.

The second part of the book lays the foundation of how to manifest your wishes. The author says that if you want to accomplish something, you must first expect it of yourself. And it’s not about making positive affirmations; it’s a spiritual knowing. Deep down inside, you must know that you are what you already want to be for the manifestation to work.

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7. There’s a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem

“Thinking is the source of problems. Your heart holds the answer to solving them.”

This book is about dissolving the problems created by your mind. As per Wayne Dyer, problems are nothing more than mistakes in our thinking. If we tap into the higher frequency of our spirits, we can eliminate any problems in our lives.

In the beginning of the book, the author shares his experience on having a heart attack and how he shifted from feeling self-pity and denial to gratitude and love. Even though his heart is still damaged, he was able to find peace and recovered when he shifted his energy from negativity to positivity.

The book is suitable for you if you are open to new age philosophies and learning through anecdotes.

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8. Wisdom of the Ages

“This book is not about appreciating poetry and philosophy as much as it is about applying the wisdom of these writers to our everyday lives.”

If you have read Wayne Dyer’s books before, you will know he is fascinated by teachers who lived before us and likes to quote them in his books.

For this book, he selects 60 teachers from a variety of eras and cultures and shares his interpretation of their works. The ancestral masters include Buddha, Michelangelo, Rumi, Whitman, and Jesus. At the end of each chapter, he also suggests how we can apply these teachings and wisdom to our modern lives.

This book is great for those who enjoy reading poetry or about important people from the past and what they have taught the world.

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9. Your Erroneous Zones

“Happiness means no complaining about the things over which you can do nothing.”

This book is not only Dr. Wayne Dyer first book, it’s also one of his best-selling books. It has sold over 35 million copies!

This book teaches you to take control of your life and not base your self-worth on other people. If you have problems with guilt, worry, anger, and procrastination, this book will help you deal with these erroneous zones and get out of the victim mindset.

However, if you are used to the author’s gentle, inspirational writing tone, this book might not be suitable for you. Before he had deeper insights on spirituality, his writing tends to be more on the motivational side and harsh. He even used some sexual references in the book which some might find inappropriate.

Nonetheless, the content in this book is still useful and worth checking out.

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10. I Can See Clearly Now

“There is some sort of purpose associated with everything that arrives in your life.”

This is a memoir on Wayne Dyer’s life. He recalls and shares many of his intimate experiences from the time he was a boy up to the time he wrote this book.

Through examining his own personal life, he wants to show us that there are no accidents in life. Each step of our journey has something important to teach us, be it good or bad. At the end of each chapter, he reveals what he has learned from each incident in his life and how they all lined up together.

If you want to know the backstory of his books, this is the book to get. In this book, Wayne Dyer shares how he got his first book, Your Erroneous Zones, to become the bestseller and what got him to write some of the books on this list.

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Yong Kang

Hey there, I'm Yong Kang, best known as Nerdy Creator. I'm an author of seven books. I write about spirituality, self-compassion, and mindfulness. I love reading books, especially non-fiction. The list above is a combination of what I have read and my research. Each year, I create a Top 10 list of my favorite books.