Best David Deida Books for Sexual and Spiritual Growth

David Deida is an American author and spiritual teacher. His teachings mainly focus on sexual and spiritual growth.

In his books, he often writes about the masculine and feminine energy, and how we can use these two energies to create intimacy. 

Provocative and irreverent, his teachings might not be suitable for everyone. You will need to have an open mind and not take what he wrote too personally.

Especially when he mentions men and women, he’s talking about the dominant energy in each of us. He’s not referring to gender. Someone who is more balanced in both the masculine and feminine energy or desire to be so might not find his books relevant to them too.

Below are the 10 best David Deida books. Some books are written for both men and women, while others are written specifically for men or women.

Pick the one that resonates with you the most.

Top 10 Best David Deida Books

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1. The Way of the Superior Man

“The superior man is not seeking for fulfillment through work and woman, because he is already full.”

This book is a guide that teaches you how to be masculine and navigate the challenges of women, work, and sexual desires

Broken down into brief chapters, this book helps you understand the dynamics and differences between masculine and feminine energy. 

Even though the title has the word “man” in it, the author is quick to point out that the book is written for someone who has a more masculine sexual essence. Both men and women have masculine and feminine energy. The introduction will help you understand which energy is more dominant in you.

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2. The Enlightened Sex Manual​

“A good lover knows how to make the body sing. But a great lover, a superior love, evokes a vast choir of bliss.”

If you want a sexual experience that goes beyond physical gratification, this is the book for you.

Written for men and women, singles and couples of every sexual orientation, this book opens you up to the emotional and spiritual aspects of sex.

It teaches you how to circulate internal energy and enjoy whole-body orgasms. It also helps you understand the sexual issues and worries that are blocking you from enjoying sex.

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3. Blue Truth​

“If you are waiting for anything in order to live and love without holding back, then you suffer.”

In this book, the author shares his wisdom on life, death, love, and sex.

For the first part of the book, the author shows you how to be open to every moment and love fully. For the second part of the book, he illuminates the art and play of sex and how to navigate difficult emotions in your intimate relationship.

Formally published as Naked Buddhism, this book is not a how-to instructional manual. But rather, each chapter is brief and consists of poem-like short passages for self-reflection. So read it slowly and stop to reflect from time to time.

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4. Finding God Through Sex

“Love is the only way to live that is not less than God, less than truth, less than our deepest need and divine potential.”

This book is about practicing love through sex. 

The author begins each chapter with a detailed description of a sexual encounter between a man and a woman. Using two sections, “For Him” and “For Her”, he then explores the differences between the two sexes in their experience and how each gender can open fully as love in the midst of sex.

If you want to know more about yourself and your partner during the act of lovemaking, this book is for you.

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5. Intimate Communion

“Ongoing passion and growth in intimacy requires us to let go of our ideas of what we “should” be doing and instead trust the wisdom inherent in our unguarded heart and uninhibited body.”

If you are struggling with unhealthy, passionless romantic and sexual relationships, read this book to truly understand your intimate relationships.

In this book, you will learn the evolution of intimate relationships from dependence to today’s 50/50. It teaches you how to go beyond the sexually neutralized roles and create an intimate communion with your partner.

This book is for men and women who are turned on by sex, love, and true spiritual ecstasy.

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6. It’s A Guy Thing

“Love is most important to the feminine. In general, as long as a woman feels love for a man and from a man, the other aspects of the relationship won’t be enough to cause her to leave.”

If you are a woman who wants to understand men, this manual is for you.

Based on questions from women who have attended the author’s seminars, this book helps you grasp what makes men act the way they do. It includes topics on sex, work, relationships, and communication.

In this book, you will also learn about the masculine and feminine energy within you.

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7. Dear Lover

“You are only willing to surrender open if he is fully present with you, committed to claiming your heart with his absolute integrity of being.”

If you want a feminine counterpart to the author’s most popular book, The Way Of The Superior Man, this book is for you.

Written as a collection of letters from a man to his dear lover, this book is for women who want a better understanding of masculine energy. It’s for women who desire to truly open themselves to love.

This book will help you pick a man of deep integrity who will satisfy the needs of your body, heart, and spirit.

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8. Wild Nights

“You can’t get away. You can only love. You can live in fear, or you can dance with her.”

Unlike other books from the author, this book is a semi-autobiographical novel. 

Some of the events described convey personal changes in the author’s life, while others are fictional events created to reflect his own internal fears, fantasy, and desires.

The story is about an unconventional teacher, Mykonos, and his student, and their exploration in the realm of sex and spirituality. However, according to the author, this story is not intended as spiritual instruction.

Provocative, erotic, and crude at times, this book is only suitable for readers with an open attitude toward sex.

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9. Aligning with Love

“When a feminine person is preparing him or herself to be seen as a sexual body, they want to enhance their radiance, not decrease it.”

This is not exactly a book, but a live recording of an actual workshop published by Sounds True.

In the workshop, the author speaks about sex, intimacy, and spirituality. With his irreverent humor, he shares his insights on how the masculine and feminine can enhance their sexiness, how men and women can trust each other again, etc.

If you love to listen to spontaneous interactions, responses, and laughter, you will enjoy this audio.

Amazon: Audio

10. Instant Enlightenment

“Instant enlightenment is to love, right now, as if you were loving your most-loved person. No matter what you are feeling or experiencing, inwardly or outwardly, you can love without holding anything back.”

This book is a quick read filled with short chapters on how to bring enlightenment to many different areas of your life. You can read in order or choose anyone at random.

Thought-provoking and odd, this book is a collection of daring exercises intended to provoke and challenge your ideas about sex and money to emotions and spirituality. 

It’s only suitable for people who are willing to shake up their taboos and are not easily offended by the experiential sexualized practices.

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Yong Kang

Yong Kang

Hey there, I’m Yong Kang, best known as Nerdy Creator. I’m an author of seven books. I write about spirituality, self-compassion, and mindfulness. I love reading books, especially non-fiction. The list above is a combination of what I have read and my research. Each year, I create a Top 10 list of my favorite books.